Our Partnerships
Greenwich Community Schools Partnership
Wyborne works collaboratively with several other schools within Royal Greenwich across the education sector which include Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Special Schools. The aim and shared values of our schools is to support all of our families and children to enable youngsters to thrive and be successful learners. We support each other as established schools to drive school improvement and develop innovative approaches to education.
It consists of a number of Outstanding and Good Schools:
Abbey Wood Nursery School | Cherry Orchard Primary School |
Gordon Primary School | Invicta Primary School and Children’s Centre |
James Wolfe Primary School with Centre for Deaf Children | King’s Oak School |
Meridian Primary School with DSP for the Deaf | Montbelle Primary School |
Newhaven PRU | Plumstead Manor School |
Pound Park Nursery School | Rachel McMillan Nursery School and Children’s Centre |
Robert Owen Nursery School and Children’s Centre | Thomas Tallis School |
Thorntree Primary School | Waterside Primary School |
Why do we work together?
We are a group of aspirational primary and secondary schools that want the best possible outcomes for our children and the best way for that to happen is to look to continuously learning from others. What better way is there to learn, than learning from other local schools?
What do we do?
We undertake a number of joint projects together to ensure that we are continuously improving.
We have joint training programmes in our schools for Leadership, Newly Qualified Teachers and Support Staff. This enables staff to learn excellent practice from other locations.
Staff get the opportunity to observe other teachers in other settings.
We compare our books and learning with each other to benchmark our standards and see if we could be aiming even higher.
We carry out ‘Peer Reviews’ on each other’s schools to help each other spot areas where we can improve.
We have shared resources which is invaluable in education.
We are also running initial teacher training together to ensure that we continue to get excellent staff in the future.