Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
PSHE is a priority at Wyborne.
We believe that a child’s understanding of themselves and the world in which they live are as fundamental as having an excellent academic education. This is why our PSHE curriculum has been designed to enable children to learn and discover as much about themselves, as it is to understand their place in an ever-changing world.
Our exciting and dynamic enquiry based PSHE curriculum, which covers all the statutory requirements for Health and Relationships Education, has three core themes running through it: Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World.
Each theme is explored through well-planned and sequenced units of work that enable children to develop knowledge and key skills, equipping them to be successful members of society. Children develop keys skills including active listening, empathy, affirmation, self-reflection, awareness of others, teamwork, decision making and resilience.

Through visits and workshops, we actively seek to work with outside agencies and organisations to provide exciting opportunities for the children to explore issues and topics. Organisations such as the NSPCC, the RNLI, St John’s Ambulance, Little Fish Theatre Company and our local emergency services and local MP are all regular visitors to the school. These visits bring our PSHE Curriculum to life and give children a fantastic insight into their world and local community.
Celebrating diversity, equality and inclusion is at the heart of our school community and we highlight this with whole-school events such as Show Racism the Red Card, Children’s Mental Health Week, Parliament Week and Pride – amongst others, which underpin the teaching of our PSHE Curriculum.
Our teaching staff are passionate advocates for all the values and qualities that we seek to instil in the children we teach; and our PSHE Curriculum is the perfect platform to allow children to grow and develop as members of a local and global community.
Georgia Till – PSHE Subject Leader.
Please click here to view the PSHE Intent document.