Science at Wyborne is high profile and dedicated to teaching our children all about the world around them. Our bespoke Science Intent document maintains sequencing and progression across each year group with each topic being recapped and revisited to ensure that all children have the knowledge and understanding to progress through each topic. Science is all around us; addressing these topics and areas teach children important life skills to be used throughout their school life and beyond. Common area displays within school feature science as well as focused displays within the classroom to support the children’s learning.
We ensure that all children are given the opportunity to use all five key areas of scientific enquiry (Observation over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing and research). This enables them to broaden their knowledge of the different skills needed to investigate and understand science broadly, recognising which is most appropriate for the topic and key science questions being addressed.
At Wyborne, we are fortunate to have several outdoor spaces – outdoor classroom, sensory garden, allotments and a forest school. The outdoor classroom provides an extension of the main classroom and a unique learning environment, which can enable children to increase focus, away from the confines of indoors. This enables us to be able to teach science in an environment that links closely to the current topic, very often being able to observe this science in action.
Please click here to view the Science Intent document.
Click below to view our History Knowledge Organisers
Stacey Hammond – Science Subject Leader