Our Nursery
Welcome to Wyborne Nursery. For many of your children this will be their first formal setting away from a parent and carer. Intrinsic to our ethos is how we nurture your child and provide a safe and secure environment for them. Our Prime Areas are Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development and through these we develop the tools your child needs to flourish and develop.
As well as focusing on these three Prime Areas, Literacy and Maths are at the core of our teaching. We follow the Little Wandle programme in Nursery (Foundation phase), and this is developed in Reception, by learning Phase 2 and onwards. Through our teaching great importance is placed on reading for pleasure as well as the skills needed to learn to read. We work closely with the whole school to ensure that links are planned between the learning in the Early Years stage and the later key stages, ensuring where possible that children are exposed to key vocabulary and concepts they will later revisit in the National Curriculum.
In addition, on a normal day in the Nursery, we engage in conversations with the children where we work together, teacher and child, both contributing ideas and reaching conclusions together. In a series of child-initiated activities, the children will play with enormous purpose and conceive, develop and create ideas and artefacts that are meaningful to them. Children, parents and staff in the Nursery setting should all understand that there is no distinction between play and work and that ‘play is the work of childhood.’
We are an inclusive school, and every child matters to us in our Nursery. Therefore, we want to make sure every child gets a very special start to their school life, one that lays firm foundations for their future development, well-being and success.
We offer morning, afternoon and full-time places.
The deadline day for September 2022 applications is 28th February. Applications after this time will be placed on our waiting list.
There are 12 full-time places available.
Please get in contact to arrange a virtual tour at office@wyborne.greenwich.sch.uk or click here for an application form.
Marcel Penarroja