Our Extra Curricular Activities
Wyborne Primary has a strong commitment to helping children adopt healthy lifestyles and aims to make health an integral part of school life. We have achieved the Healthy Schools and Activemark (P.E and Sport Strategy) awards; as well as the extended Schools award and the Basic Skills Quality mark. We actively promote walking to school through our successful Travel Plan initiative.
We offer an active and thriving range of additional activities which help children to realise their full potential, both in their learning and personal development. a varied range of extra-curricular activities organised by enthusiastic staff (both school based and external coaches and tutors) provide additional opportunities to extend children’s experiences. Children are involved in sport, drama, music, gardening and creative opportunities. Some clubs are run independently from the school and may incur a charge.
Educational visits are arranged to support children’s learning, as well as visits to the school by speakers and theatre companies. Year 6 have a further opportunity to experience a residential school journey to a PGL centre.
We run a very successful Forest School for nursery, reception and year 1 children. Forest School is based upon a desire to provide young children with an education that encourages a greater appreciation of the natural world; to take responsibility for nature conservation in later life and to use their own inherent learning style to explore this environment.
Children in year 6 take responsibility for organising ‘playpals’, a scheme that promotes active play at lunchtime.